Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Most awkward audition ever

Well it's been more than a week since I tried my throat at voice acting, and let me tell you...it was the most awkward thing in the world.

I was told to park at the left door, so that's what I did. The guard inside was unhelpful at best, and didn't give a crap whether I knew what was going on or not. Apparently, a little binder at the entrance was supposed to give me character background and a head start on the lines. I wasn't informed of this, so how was I supposed to know that the binders were for me, right? The guard notices me still sitting in the main lobby, and tells me to go in the other room. There should be a lady I can talk to about where to go from there. Weeeelll when I went in the "other room," I discovered it was actually a big empty warehouse with sound studios in rooms off to the sides. All the doors were closed, so as I walked loudly (I had on heels) to the center of the room, I couldn't help but wonder when they'd release the lions.

Eventually, a guy came out and asked if he could help me. It was the kind of condescending "can I help you?" that you get from all employees at the super market, but I told him why I was standing in the middle of the room and he, with a laugh, instructed me where to wait for the audition lady. At this point I should mention that he was kind of ... unprofessionally dressed: long hair with ponytail, t-shirt, and somewhat messy jeans. I'm standing there dressed for an interview. I guess Funimation really is laid back.

And so I sat. I stared at the tree outside the tinted window; I squinted to see across the dark warehouse; I watched a couple of people come out of a room and completely ignore my presence. My "buddy" from before walked through and waved at me at one point. Finally, a door at the far end of the room opened and a woman in jeans and a T-shirt came out to greet me with a fake British accent. I know it was fake, because when I couldn't understand her, she turned it off.

From that point it should have been less awkward, but it wasn't. I went in to this room with a soundproof booth. I could hear them only through headphones. I was told to tell them my character and get going. It was at this point I learned about the mysterious books at the entrance. Joy. I'd been sitting for 15 minutes with nothing to do, and now I only have about 30 seconds to prepare my characters. Suffice to say, at this point any calmness I had went right out the window, and I'm pretty sure the audition was utter crap. At the end, I expected some kind of "we'll let you know" or "hey thanks for coming in. don't worry, everyone is nervous at their first audition" buuuut all I got was a "Great! Have a good evening."


Fun summer coming up. Memorial Day grilling, A-Kon, Avenue Q, Lewis Black, and hopefully some swimming at a lake (or at the very least, someone's apartment complex pool).

In final news, I'm going to lose 5-10 pounds by the end of summer. I'm going to Toronto over labor day and I absolutely must be the prettiest girl at the party. Yes yes.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Oh yeah, my ME blog...

I've been so busy lately it's hard to focus on anything! LET'S GLOOVY!

So I have now finished three "TheGirlNerd" podcasts. I'm excited about being TheGirlNerd. Now I need to figure out how to get listeners. There are anime podcasts that have been around a LOT longer than me, and who have more than just the one cohost. What I need to do is get a roommate or boyfriend or something who likes anime, and who I can goad into doing the podcast with me and Alex. Hmmmm.... HMMMMMM....

ALSO I have an audition with Funimation on Monday night for a voice acting opportunity (I mentioned it last time) and I am what you might call beside myself with excitement. I'm putting myself on a weekend voice regimen to ensure optimum voice quality. ::science::

I think I'm the only dork on the planet who hasn't seen freakin Iron Man yet, but with any luck I'll be going tomorrow night with some pals! I am going to try to focus on my last 2.5 hours of work. BYE!