Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Vaccinate your children

Let me start with this, because it's important. Three cases of measles this year, but only one confirmed resident of King County. The others were visitors. Check that link and make sure your too-young-or-too-sick-to-be-vaccinated children weren't exposed. Luckily, public schools still have very high vaccination rates overall. But here is the thing...

If you don't vaccinate your kids (with exception for medical necessity of course), and tell other people not to vaccinate, you are a liar and I am calling you OUT. I do it out of love and frustration that your insistence on mistrusting the vast majority of the established medical community is bringing back diseases that got so bad that, decades ago, people were finally forced to vaccinate (or probably just died).

You've had the wool pulled over your eyes just as much as climate change deniers, and the consequences are just as dire. In both cases, people you claim to care about--the poor and marginalized--will be hurt right along with your own peer group. I hope that sits well on your conscience as you smugly take your expensive vitamin A and some expensive, worthless sugar pill in a bottle marked "Homeopathic Measles Remedy." Snake oil is still snake oil, and it's being sold to you at a steep price.

But you know what? I don't even care if you decide homeopathy "works for you." Because you're not vaccinating for you. You are doing it so that other, non-able-bodied persons are able to live free of worry from another problem piled onto whatever medical ailments they already face. If you still don't vaccinate because "oh vaccines cause autism..." No they fucking don't; that is a straight up lie. To quote the CDC link at the end of the last sentence, in big bold print, "There is no link between vaccines and autism." Just because Autism exhibits itself in young children around the age they start getting vaccinated, it does not mean vaccines are the cause. If an unvaccinated child turns out to be healthy and disease-resistant, it DOES NOT MEAN vaccines don't work. It means your child's genetics are very well-tuned to fight disease. It also does not mean your child doesn't carry a disease that may be spread to other children.

None of your correlations are linked with causation. It would be like me saying that, because I ate a peach and felt good the next day, peaches must have magical healing properties. It is LUDICROUS (though, of course, that is exactly what claims of superfoods say, but we can talk about that another day).

Don't worry, it'll feel so GOOD and RIGHTEOUS to scoff at me, because you believe the thoroughly debunked lies, and wholly espouse the incorrect information that was fed to you by your peer group. You continue to believe that untested, unproven "natural remedies" will keep you and everyone else safe, if only they just keep believing. It's so easy to believe these things, because it is EASY. Someone you trust is telling you it is so. But when you dig deeper, when you look at the methodology of studies, when you ask a medical doctor without "naturopath" in their name, when you continue asking other doctors their opinions, you will find that you should vaccinate, and you should do it now.