Tuesday, November 25, 2008

That's so hot

I just got the WORST news. Apparently, the Amazon Kindle 2 (or whatever they'll eventually call it) has been delayed until Q1 2009. That makes me sad. It's okay though.

Big news of the week: I am going to buy a new computar! Or maybe a condominium! It depends on interest rates! I am so excited either way! I am going to exclaim everything for the rest of this post (ok not really)!

So last weekend was Chrissie's birthday, and I think we all had a really good time. I know she did, and since it was her birthday, that's what counts! I determined something interesting yesterday. The problem facing my generation is impermanence. Nothing is stable these days. Not our houses, not our jobs, and certainly not our families. Unemployment rates are rising, housing market is falling, and the divorce rate is still ridiculously high. There's something to be said for stability. Even if you're a wild, crazy, spontaneous person, fear of the unknown can and will still keep you from being at peace. That's my deep thought for the day. I'll lighten up one of these days, I promise!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Question of the day

Poll time, courtesy of DSCarmon: Do you think there's a black friday fetish group on the internet that can only get it up by pretending it's black friday?

Responses, I expect, will vary between "Yes," "No," and "Please die in a fire, you creepy weirdo."

WHeEEeeeeEEEEe Tuesday!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

That Thing Between Your Ears

I think Bill Hicks had it right when he said "the next revolution is gonna be a revolution of ideas. " I'd say that's a fairly accurate description of the blogging phenomenon. Well, if it can be called such...

But anyway... My birthday week has concluded and I have ushered in my quarterlife with warmth, family, and friendship. From Wednesday to Sunday, I did not pay for a meal. It was quite fantastic.

Thanks to all my wondermus friends for coming to my party, which was more dinner and beers and just good conversation. I guess that's what adult parties are. I dunno... I have a hard time calling anything a party where Rock Band is not played, a household item is not broken, and no one calls your mother a prostitute. OHHHHH!

Right! So good times abound. Life is grand, and that doesn't make for very good journalblogging.