Friday, September 23, 2016

Morning Brain: Well, Here We Go

Recently, I ran across an article on satirical news site The Onion which attempted to express that feeling where something suddenly becomes inevitable, and you have to steel your nerves to deal with it.

Here are things I've had to steel my nerves against lately:

  • The alarming number of police shootings reported in the media on a near-weekly basis.
  • The fact that the nation's largest police union has endorsed an orange bigot for president.
  • An unprecedented die-off of trees and coral, both tied to human progress, and the lack of giving-a-shit by pretty much everyone.
  • The remainder of the election cycle looming. I'm not that old, but I have never seen anything this vitriolic come out of this nation.
On the other hand, here are a few things that helped me unclench slightly:
  • Famous people finally speaking out against injustices in venues in which they know they will be heard.
  • The deep, gutteral laughter caused by a friend's comedic timing during an otherwise serious discussion.
  • The Free Hugs movement and the growing level at which people are treating each other as human beings at an individual level.
  • The undeniable fact that for every terrible thing we see, there are as many other things worth celebrating, from exciting space discoveries to the simplicity of a beautiful view of the sunrise. 
How do we fix the world's problems? By showing each other our love and vulnerability, and by helping each person we meet have a better day.

It's hard, especially in a culture where we are bombarded by negativity. I, for one, am trying. I don't have a lot to offer, but I can be polite on the bus or compliment a stranger I pass on my way to get grocieries. What I need to work on is getting out of my comfort zone a little more, and maybe volunteering my time somewhere meaningful. This has been a little bit rambling, but thanks for reading.