Monday, June 2, 2008

A-Kon 19 = Success!

Mornin', Internets. It's Monday, and I don't want it to be Monday. I'd like it to still be Weekend, so I could spend a bit longer at A-Kon.

As my new profile pictar suggests, I ran into Nabeshin (Watanabe Shinichi) in the Komik market, and poked Cody until he got off the phone and got in the picture. Well, originally I just wanted him to TAKE the picture, but Nabeshin's translator/PR agent/bodyguard/adorable tag-along grabbed the camera and shoo'd him into the picture. For a quick, 3 second pose, I'd say it turned out well.

I bought some new anime to review, took some notes at some panels, and generally laughed at those standing in long lines for concerts and the like. I also laughed at the pre-reg people (sorry, Cody) who stood in the longest line ever. I got my 3-day badge in about 40 minutes, but pre-reg line took about an hour and a half. SUCKAS!

But anyway, I placed some flyers here and there at the con, and hopefully my podcast will see more pageviews for it. I hear that's the money-maker. Pageviews. Wheee! BYE!

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