Monday, March 24, 2008

I can't remember...

Friday night I went out with the girls to an Indian restaurant in Fort Worth. That's right! I went to the no-no place on Brian's list. I don't know what's wrong with Brian. That place is fantastic! The Naan was fluffy delish, the dipping sauces tasted fresh, and the Chicken Korma was absolutely excellent. I think Shannon and I were the only ones who had previously tasted the awesomeness that is Indian food, so we got to look like know-it-alls. Now that I know it doesn't suck, I'm going to go there all the time, whenever I can.

Delicious, delicious Indian food. ::drool::

Now I just have to convince everyone to go out to the new place Brian found in Plano. And by that I mean I need to get him over the idea of going out to eat with a female friend who isn't his wife. He got all upset last time. Then again, his wife was calling it a date. I'd probably be flustered, too.

So yes! After that, three of us drank wine and watched Youtube videos at Shannon's apartment. Exciting.

Still awaiting puppeh...but otherwise life is good!

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