Monday, July 28, 2008

He uses it in the bathtub...

I'm talking about the word "eureka," which has been attributed to Archimedes when he stepped into his bathtub and discovered water displacement. ::themoreyouknow::

I somewhat hope the idea for the show Eureka (on the Sci Fi channel). How in the world did this show go under my radar for 2 seasons? The third season starts tomorrow. OI!

Basically, it's a show about a town full of geniuses who mostly all work for Global Dynamics, a mega-corporation that develops new and crazy technology for the greater good. Among the things we saw in yesterday's marathon (I have things I could be doing, but I am VERY lazy): dimensional rift to heaven, an airborne love potion that makes all the women want the sheriff, an invisibility potion that kills, and cryogenics. Throw in a sheriff and his daughter, neither of whom are geniuses, and enjoy the comedy. It's sort of a drama, but more like a sitcom, but an hour long sitcom. It's funnier and not as dramatic as BSG, so it'll be a nice distraction while I wait for the rest of that.

Lewis Black's show was last night, and it was not at all his best performance. The opening act was half an hour long and was followed by a nearly 30 minute intermission. Uncle Lew had a few really hilarious jokes, but nothing as gut-busting as the last show. He's more a political comedian now than he used to be, and it is for that reason that I will have to leave him behind as my favorite comedian. I'm sorry, Mr. Black, but I just don't like politics.

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