Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Glug glug, squish squish.


I saw some! Over there! Guys? Hey guys?

I discovered my limit for prolonged activity in the heat: it is 1.5 hours at an aquarium. The Dallas World Aquarium has a lot of nifty things, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. However, remind me not to cut it quite so close next time. Call me crazy, but I really like having solid plans. I liked the idea of riding to Dallas on the train to go to the aquarium for Chappaboogie's birthday. Instead, our friend decided we were to drive in her new Hybrid car, which would have been fine except for 1) people are never on time, 2) we had to meet later anyway, and 3) there was random bridge construction on the way to Dallas. We arrived around 2:30 pm, parked, and stood in line for 30 minutes. Once we got in to the aquarium, it went pretty fast and we were out of there by a few minutes after 4. I walked in my apartment at 5:09 (I timed it), took Maizieface for a brisk walk (5:29), hopped in for a rinse in the shower (5:35), put down some food for Maizieface (5:37), threw on some clothes (5:44) and makeup (5:45), and hopped in the car (5:49). It takes approximately 15 minutes to get to Frye's apartment, and I arrived just two minutes after six. We then hopped in HIS car and made it to BJ's Brewhouse to join our xeno crew for dinner and then bowling.

That's my heroic tale. This weekend is fireworks and food. Next weekend is Avenue Q!

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