Thursday, November 1, 2012

NaKniSweMo diary, day one

So this month is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), but I'm not writing one because I'm cold and want a sweater to keep me warm. How can this be accomplished, you ask?

Why, NaKniSweMo, of course. In solidarity with fabulous writers and knitters everywhere, we cast on today and must make a sweater with at least 50,000 stitches by the end of November. That means, for those of you just tuning in, that all other projects take a back seat. Christmas presents? In the bin. Charity blankets? Make it yourself.

I need a sweater, and you can't stop me from making one!

The tag is #NaKniSweMo on G+ if you want to see what the rest of us are doing.

For me, it's this general pattern with some really soft alpaca yarn. Oh boy Oh boy Oh boy!

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