Monday, December 29, 2008


This post is dedicated to the year 2008, and the fact that I am incredibly bored with nothing at all to do at work today. My memory is not at all what it used to be, and I can say with utter honesty that I cannot remember what I was doing in January. I know that I worked, and that the contents of my desk at work have not changed very much. I know what product I was working on, as I still have all my documentation. I do NOT, however, have any idea what my home situation was, or the status of my friendships (with one notable exception) or who I was dating. Was I even dating? You get the idea. So for this year's recap, I am using lines from my blog to document each month. That is why I started this thing in the first place.

January - Apparently I kept Mason's dog for a week. This is when my carpet was destroyed. I also saw Play! and seethed angrily about the crowd in attendance.
February - Apparently I did nothing until the end of the month, at which point I went to a potluck and a zombie party. Did I go out for Valentine's day? I haven't a clue.
March - THE PILOWS! AAAAAAHHH! Amazing show. I actually remember it. I also went on a date to a comedy show.
April - Eddie Izzard show! Laughs! Merryment! Hilarity! Started a podcast! A homecoming, and celebratory meat. I got a doggie and she is the cutest little wuggy uggy smushyface. Busy month.
May - Failed an audition for a voice acting gig. Apparently I didn't do anything else.
June - Anime convention, Indian Food, and retarded work people.
July - I went to an aquarium. Hold back your excitement. Fireworks went off and were loud. Everyone's A Little Bit Racist. Uncle Lew has lost his funny.
August - Armin van Buuren. This show was awesome. I got to dance like a lunatic, and nobody even glanced at me.
September - Got to see my faraway friends in Toronto, ON. Miss you guys!
October - I think there were some parties, and I hugged my doggie.
November - I entered quarter life crisis mode. Other people also had birthdays. As I said, contentment does not breed decent blog posts.
December - Mingo Fishtrap, Jim Gaffigan, Chris Onstad, new computer, Scientology, and Christmas.

Apparently, it has been a very lovely year. Cheers, and I'll see you in '09.

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Holidays

Father Christmas, Grandfather Time, and the New Year's Baby. What possesses us to personify every abstract concept? These are the three that relate to this time of year, but there are numerous others. I always thought we did it to accommodate our limited brains, and give them something with which to associate abstractions. Lately, however, I've started running with a different theory: we personify everything because if it's "like" us, maybe we can have some limited control over it. This is my main theory, but I also secretly think the people who came up with these personas for holiday people are the same people who put on animal costumes and have sex with each other. Just a theory.

Right! So Christmas was yesterday, and it was so lovely. Christmas eve was lovely also! The list of attendees is as follows (I will forget if I do not list them): Mom, Dad, Grandma, Aunt + husband, Uncle + wife (Illinois), Cousin + husband and twins (San Antonio), Great Aunt, Great Aunt's son + wife, Mom's second cousin's wife (husband sick), Art + Jeanette (family friends), and me + doggie. A big crowd, but a nice one. I love my family so much. We got out a puzzle to put together, but everyone's older now, and they don't seem interested in sticking around after it gets dark. The kids were fantastic with Maizie. They took in a stray dog recently, so they are learning about pets, but their dog is much more active than poor Maizie. She was a little trooper though. As long as I was nearby, she let the little kids pet her. She fell in love with my Grandma. Later on after most of the people had left, Grandma picked her up and held her for awhile, and she was just the happiest thing.

I guess I'll mention my swag, though it isn't the most important part of the holiday at all. The presents list: computer speakers, mp3 player, book, Rock Band 2, a nail trimmer device thingy for my dog, and some money. All I asked for were the speakers, so my parents really went overboard! I hope they didn't spend much on the mp3 player. I know how much the other stuff cost, and I'm slightly miffed that they spent all that money, since they're in the process of building a new house. Oh well. I'll ne'er complain loudly about extra presents. Protests are courtesy only ;)! Well, that's about all I've got. I wasn't going to post, but there is NOTHING to do at work, so yeah. Ta ta!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Spite-filled Pre-Christmas Rant

I'd just like to take a minute to say it was nice to know you all. I've had a good run keeping up (somewhat) with this blog, but I'll probably be completely unable to access the Internet at all aside from my company's website. Heck, I might even be banned from that. If I don't get fired, and blogger doesn't get blocked completely, then this post will just serve as a testament to my hatred for web blocking software.

If you, as a company, simply must block the Internet from your workers, please stick to things that might be harmful to your business. I can understand blocking myspace, because honestly, I hate it too. I can understand blocking filehosting sites. We don't want delicate company files uploaded anywhere, and we don't want scary viruses on our computers. I can mostly understand blocking YouTube, Hulu, Facebook, and even my beloved Twitter. But when I am searching for something that is business-related, and your stupid blocking software tags "" (probably not a real site) as "sex" or "inappropriate content," I hold the IT department personally responsible for me being unable to do my job. This place makes me want to punch adorable things. Go ahead. Fire me. I don't even care that we're in a recession. I will work at effing Starbucks, where at least they don't block you from using the espresso machine.

Edit: A westie pile to make me feel better.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Okay, Christmas season may begin.

I've been resisting and pushing and kicking my feet like a child, but I will finally give in and open my Scroogey heart to the Christmas spirit. This weekend marked the first of several Christmas celebrations of which I will be part. Friday night, DSCarmon and I put together my new computer (Christmas gift to self). Saturday morning at from 8 to 1 pm I helped my mother decorate her Christmas tree. Thereafter I ran home, tidied up a bit, played with my dog briefly, changed clothes, ate a quick bite, and headed to Circle Theater for their production of A Very Merry Unauthorized Children's Scientology Pageant. I'd like to take a moment to discuss that with you, by the way. Have you heard about our lord and savior L. Ron Hubbard? The L stands for "love!" Right. Anyway, after that I went back to the house and made a sammich. Then I walked Maizie and then I got ready for the first Christmas party of the season. There was apparently a requirement to get presents, but I missed the memo (everyone missed the memo) so now I am scrambling to figure out thoughtful and not-too-expensive gifts for people. My poor wallet... My poooor, poor wallet.

Yesterday, I did some podcasting, took a nap, and went to lunch with my best friend from high school and her family. Cheesecake factory. Yum. YUUUUMMMMMM. Now I am back at work, and wish to be elsewhere. Whee! Bye now!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Remember, Remember the 6th of December

I haven't done much of note lately, but the past weekend was certainly fun! I saw Mingo Fishtrap live at McDavid Studio on Friday the 5th, and drove to Austin to see Jim Gaffigan perform and go to a book signing for Chris Onstad. The drive home was difficult, as we didn't leave the book signing until midnight. Upon my return, I spent one day healthy, and the next two sick. Here it is Thursday already, and I haven't had much of a week. Looking on the brightside, it's only 2 days until the Very Merry Unofficial Scientology pageant. I'm terribly excited to watch 12-year-olds make fun of Scientology. Then there is a party of Christmases, and Sunday I will see my old high school friend that I haven't seen since last Christmas! Wheefun! This is the busiest time of year. Deck the halls and run around nekkid. I probably won't post until after Christmas. Later, Internet.