Saturday, January 19, 2008

Play a little quieter, please.

So! Tonight was Play! at the Bass Hall. The evening started out well enough, with friends and good food at Cantina Laredo. That place is really tasty, but a little too expensive if you ask me. I give it a score of "Meeeeh try it once."

But on to the symphony. We arrived and I immediately knew I should not have come. Cosplayers. A huge group of them. Directly in front of us. There were people in all kinds of outfits: cosplay, nice dresses, suits, and yes, hoodies that said "Megatokyo" on them. My discomfort grew steadily worse as the cosplay tards mingled close to where we sat. Some passed us by, and I relaxed a little. It seems I relaxed too soon, however, because three snotty-nosed fourteen-year-old strumpet-brats in loli-goth bo-peep pieces of crap came and sat in front of us.

I tried very hard to just ignore them and listen to the pretty music, but honestly, except for Castlevania, the World of Warcraft, and One Winged Angel (and really not even that...I just love that piece), nothing the symphony played was really good enough to distract me fully from these little would-be pedo-victims. Seriously. Where. Were. Their. PARENTS!?!?!?! Did no one teach them etiquette? (Pardon) JESUS HOTEL RECEPTION CHRIST! I hope they grow up into normal humans, but by the time you spend that much on loli-goth gear, you're pretty much gone.

I try to like people. I do. But when the conductor announces Guild Wars is to replace the Silent Hill soundtrack and you scream "NOOO I WASTED ALL MY MONEY" in the middle of the goddamn symphony, I hate you. I hate you with the fiery burning passion of a thousand suns.

What was the encore? I have no idea, but I'll bet money they played One-Winged Angel again. I left before they played, because the loli-tards were screaming at the top of their lungs for the Silent Hill bullshit crappy theme music.

Great. Now I hate Silent Hill. I'm going to bed, and go away.

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