Monday, February 9, 2009

Priority purchasing

Okay folks, as you all are probably aware, Tax Season is upon us. If you're a tax preparer, get ready for massive overtime. If you're in the tax preparation book business, breathe a sigh of relief, as your boredom season is upon you.

For those of us who have nothing to do with the tax preparation industry, please make sure to thank your tax preparer, and perhaps shower him/her/it with kisses or candy as you deem appropriate. This year, I'll be getting a refund, and I'm trying to prioritize what I do with the money.

I'm looking for help to determine what I should do. Current list of stuff I want to do with the money follows. I'll have to eliminate some, most likely, but I'm having trouble cutting out things.
  • Amazon Kindle 2. I've wanted one for awhile, but I wanted to wait for the second version to come out, as I heard there were some issues with the first. TOO LATE. I BOUGHT IT! BWAAHAHAHAHA!
  • I want to actually buy web space for the domain so my podcast can be free of wordpress, and I can actually plop ads on it to make some money.
  • A bicycle. I'd have to get someone to teach me how to ride, but I want to start biking to work.
  • A new nightstand for the bedroom
  • New work clothes. NICE work clothes (I'm talking Ann Taylor/Banana Republic).
  • A FigurePrint. You know the ones.
  • A piece of beautiful art for my new apartment. I want something that costs more than $100, and that doesn't come from SuperTarget
I have pretty much decided to buy the Kindle2 right away, but the rest of it I'm not sure about. Any ideas?

1 comment:

Mr. Phillips said...

Well, it depends on how much your refund is going to be, but this is the order in which I would purchase those items if I were the one asking this question:

Art for apartment
Domain for podcast
Work Clothes

The only reason I chose art first is because I looove me some good art, although I can't afford any at this point in my life. If you get the domain, then you can make money off of the ads and buy the rest of the things on the list. It's genius!