Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A note about the weather

Weather. How boring, you say. Thren, why are you talking about the weather? There's parties and people, and movies, and events to discuss! Be that as it may, I've decided to discuss it.

Texas, or more specifically, the DFW area of Texas, is known for having ridiculously unpredictable weather during the winter. The last four days have proven the point. We went from seventy degree days down to 30 degree nights, to 65 degree days, and 30 degree nights, and suddenly the next day it was 30 degrees and raining. Tomorrow, it is supposed to be 70 again. I know what you're thinking. "Stop complaining, my car is under 3 feet of snow."

At least you have the luxury of snow days. Here, the ground is never cold enough for snow to stick, nor is it usually cold enough outside for more than 2 hours for ice to form anywhere but overpasses. Plus, with the ever-fluctuating weather, I've got the added hassle of needing to keep my winter AND summer clothes out all year long. On almost every winter morning, I do have to put on my heavy coat, gloves, and scarf, but 2 hours later, I have to wear short sleeves. The moral of the story, here, is that if you decide to make your home here, remember to wear layers, and leave a heavy sweater at work.

Today is an incredibly boring day.

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