Friday, January 23, 2009

Big Hairy Butt

Though I'm in squeefriday mode, I'm also in pondery mode. Here's today's pondery: why do poo and fart jokes remain funny so much longer after people tell us they shouldn't be funny anymore? People make entire comedy careers of humor based mostly on bodily functions, so there must be SOME segment of the population to whom the "rules" do not apply.

I always used to tell myself that the day I stopped laughing at the "big hairy butt" joke from the 4th grade is the day I should go on happy pills, but I find these days that I have to be in the right mood to laugh at these types of jokes. They used to make me laugh until I peed a little.

I surely hope that I haven't become so desensitized to the disgusting nature of the human body that I have forgotten how to laugh at it. Once upon a time, a boy told me he loved me by informing me that he was "comfortable enough to poop while I was in the room," thus taking our relationship to a new level. Is that what did it? Is the book Everybody Poops teaching our children that farts aren't funny? Maybe it was that time I went to the ladies' room and smelled the foulest smell imaginable that turned out to be coming from a VERY prim and proper lady from down the hall.

More likely, I'm just becoming a mature adult who is trying to embrace the ideals of proper, upright society...

Oh screw it. I'm gonna go tell the "big hairy butt" joke to a coworker and laugh so hard I pass out.

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Chappaboogie said...

I read this, and then someone farted AT THE EXACT MOMENT I WAS READING THIS and then I FARTED TOO!